Online Slots News

Abbotsford Bingo Awaits Slots Decision

On October 16th, 2007, both the mayor and the council of Abbotsford were expected last night to make a resolution regarding the bid to put up to 125 slot machines to the bingo hall in Abbotsford. Just 5 weeks after the public hearing that was joined by more than 400 participants, the application passed by the Abbotsford Bingo Association and Playtime Community Gaming Center was recently discussed by the council.

After the public discussion of the issue, more than 2/3 of those who spoke at the meeting discussed their support for the slots issue. There has been a long lapse between the public hearing and the council vote on the slots issue because of the decision made by Abbotsford Mayor George Ferguson to only study it when all of the members of the council are present.

The previous meeting which happened after the deadline was the first chance to study the issue. The slots application if given permission, would allow the bingo hall located on Peardonville Road remodel the hall into a community gaming facility. It will initially offer fifty slot machines and could be increase to 125 slot machines depending on the demand.

The gaming operators of the Abbotsford bingo facility commented that they will be forced to close down without the additional income. Just last year, the bingo hall contributed $2.3 million in total profits to the local organizations.


Tuesday, 06 November 2007
Alex Van Der Butz