Online Slots News

Debate Over Slot Machines Causes Late Night Meeting

On November 5th, 2007, a budget deficit and the deadlock over casino slots is the cause of a late night meeting for the legislators in Annapolis. Dennis Edwards said that the issue may go on at the end of the session by the middle of next week, with or without the slot machines issue.

Maryland Senators immediately scheduled a meeting about a gun proposal and other proposals but the major accomplishment of the meeting was a decision to adjourn on next Wednesday. That is the time when the president of the Senate expects to see some results on some bills on how to address the $1.7 billion budget deficit.

Senate President Mike Miller said that he is hoping to get the majority votes regarding the budget cuts. They are hoping to pass the tax package and see if Gov. O'Malley can get 29 votes on his proposal.

Miller said that both houses are making good progress in the legislative meeting. He is hoping to iron things out so that the proceeds from a 1 cent sales tax increase can also be allocated for highway maintenance. They do not need to increase the gasoline tax.


Monday, 26 November 2007
Caroline Mitchell