How to Play Slots Online

Learning how to play slots online is much less of a headache than playing in the casino. Sure, a slot machine isn't so hard to figure out, and both work the same way: put your money in and pull the arm or press the button, and hope that the same pictures on the reels line up, or display a special picture that wins you something. Not too advanced.

Online slots are at an advantage because the payouts are set as high on average as the highest machines in a Las Vegas casino. In Las Vegas, you will have to find them, but if you learn to play slots online, you'll quickly see they all pay off at very high odds. You also have the chance to learn the game without risking anything while playing free online slots.

What you will need to learn is the payoff table. This tells you what combinations pay wins, and if you get better payoffs betting multiple coins. Multireel and Multiline slots can get downright complicated, but it's good to know how the game works before you put your money in.

Don't worry about being "cheated." Casino machines are regulated, and the manufacturer sets the pay off. Online slots use the same algorithms and work exactly the same way. They won't make mistakes, and they won't cheat you. Some of the biggest slot jockeys in Vegas now work from home because it's easier for them to learn how to play slots online.

Both types of slots use a random number generator, that never stops working. It is constantly generating random numbers. Every time you play, it is completely random. Since the first slot machines were made, slot players have come to believe a great deal of mythology regarding the game and simply isn't true.

Some slot machines have special enhancements that will most certainly please experienced gamblers: conditional bets and bonus multipliers, plus various additional bonuses and surprises that are there to accommodate the player. Just like other casino games, some machines have progressive jackpots - it means that the slot machine is connected to other slot machines and pays off a huge collective jackpot. But with progressives, there is a trade-off: the odds of hitting one are lower. You should try to learn how to play slots that best suit your own realistic expectations. Don't play a progressive expecting to get rich easy.

Of course, winning progressive jackpots is rather seldom which means that they grow up to pretty large sums. While of course there's nothing that can guarantee that you will win, it's definitely worth trying spending some coins on a chance to get hold of that $200,000 or $20,000,000 prize.

With all the many games, variations and flavors of online slot, there's every reason to learn how to play slots online if you like the slots in the casino.

Rene Hewett - News Reporter